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Lenses for consumer products are designed to achieve optical resolution suitable for multi-megapixel sensors including 4K HDR imagers. Many of these lenses are designed to achieve up to 170° field of view and are commonly used as sports action cameras and compact camcorders.

These lenses are made with a combination of high-precision, spherical glass as well as injection-molded, aspheric plastic elements. This enables wide-angle lens designs with our exclusive Tailored Distortion® technology, minimizing optical distortion. These designs use proprietary manufacturing processes to minimize unwanted lens flare and ghosting to provide best-in-class image quality in cameras using HDR imager sensors.

PN Description Focal length(mm) f/# Imager Format Field of view/
Depth of field
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DSL188A-650-F2.0 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.94mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut filter at 650nm. 0.94 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL188A-NIR-F2.0 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.94mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut filter at 650nm. 0.94 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL180A-NIR-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, without IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT821. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $69
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DSL180B-690-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL180B-NIR-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, without IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL180A-690-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT821. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $69
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DSL367B-650-F2.1 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.98mm EFL, 4.2mm image circle, 210° FOV, F/2.1. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut filter at 650nm. 0.98 2.1 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL367B-NIR-F2.1 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.98mm EFL, 4.2mm image circle, 210° FOV, F/2.1. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. NO IR Cut filter. 0.98 2.1 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL198A-650-F2.0 Superfisheye lens, HDR, 1.03mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, 214deg FOV, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut Filter at 650nm. 1.03 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL198A-NIR-F2.0 Superfisheye lens, HDR, 1.03mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, 214deg FOV, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. NO IR Cut Filter. 1.03 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL218A-NIR-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens, no IR cut filter, EFL = 1.2mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.2 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL218A-670-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL = 1.2mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.2 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL181B-NIR-F2.2 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, without IR cut filter, EFL=1.25mm, F/2.2, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 1.25 2.2 1/3.2" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL181B-650-F2.2 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL=1.25mm, F/2.2, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 1.25 2.2 1/3.2" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL181C-650-F2.2 Superfisheye lens, Tailored Distortion, HDR, EFL=1.25mm, 190deg HFOV, F/2.2, 4.8mm image circle. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cutoff Filter at 650nm. 1.25 2.2 1/3.2" Calculate FOV
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DSL216A-670-F2.8 Miniature super fisheye lens with IR cut coating, EFL = 1.3mm, F/2.8, M12x0.5, metal barrel, UV-anodize, sealed first element***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.26 2.8 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL216A-670-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens with IR cut coating, EFL = 1.3mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.26 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL216A-NIR-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens, no IR cut coating, EFL = 1.3mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C*** 1.26 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL266A-650-F1.8 Miniature super fisheye lens, with 650nm IR cut filter, EFL-1.3mm, F1.8, M12x.5, Metal Barrel. Designed for 1/3" format sensors. Contains 12.2mm centering feature below lens flange. 1.27 1.8 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT168-11XX $99
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DSL266A-NIR-F1.8 Miniature super fisheye lens, with NIR cut filter, EFL-1.3mm, F1.8, M12x.5, Metal Barrel. Designed for 1/3" format sensors. Contains 12.2mm centering feature below lens flange. 1.27 1.8 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT168-11XX $99
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