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Automotive lens

Sunex is a world leading provider of high performance lenses for OEM passenger and commercial vehicle applications. As a qualified Tier 2 supplier we have significant experience bringing leading-edge products to market. We are a pioneer in advanced optical technology such as low flare and ghosting lenses suitable for HDR CMOS imagers, and miniature fisheye lenses up to 200° field of view, as well as Tailored Distortion® lenses that reduce optical distortion. For over seven (7) years Sunex has developed long-term partnerships an built a reputation as a reliable Tier 2 supplier to Tier 1 customers, many of them Top 100 Global Supplier and OEMs. Today, Sunex automotive lenses can be found on cars from many OEMs around the world.

Designing and manufacturing lenses for automotive vision applications presents significant challenges in all phases of the product life-cycle: from concept to design, manufacturing, and end-of-life. Sunex has developed proprietary material and process know-how to meet those demands. As a customer of Sunex you can expect to work directly with experienced technical sales and engineers that have an in-depth understanding of the technical and commercial expectations. Our US-based team is supported by a team of engineers, quality assurance, project management and logistics personnel based at two facilities in China.

Sunex China is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/TS 16949:2009 certified.  Our team is experienced with the necessary PPAP documentation, project launch and capacity planning.  Validation testing can be performed both in-house and with several qualified outside labs.  Sunex has developed proprietary test capabilities to ensure that all control points are met during series production.  We can support IMDS and end-of-life requirements. Sunex is fully invested in the automotive market and intends to be a long-term Tier 2 supplier.  Please contact our support team with any further questions.

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DSL133A-650-F2.0-HP3 Superfisheye, HDR and environmentally stable lens for 1/4" format sensors, EFL=0.88, F/2.0, M12x0.5 0.88 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT168 $69
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DSL253A-650-F2.1-HP3 Ultra compact superfisheye lens. Designed for automotive wide-angle applications. Hybrid lens. M12x0.5. 0.92 2.1 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT253 $69
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DSL188A-NIR-F2.0 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.94mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut filter at 650nm. 0.94 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL188A-650-F2.0 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.94mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut filter at 650nm. 0.94 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL180A-NIR-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, without IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT821. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $69
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DSL180B-690-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL180B-NIR-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, without IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL180A-690-F2.0 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL=0.97mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT821. 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $69
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DSL145A-650-F2.0-HP3 Superfisheye, HDR and environmentally stable lens for 1/4" format sensors, EFL=0.97, F/2.0, M12x0.5 0.97 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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CMT168 $69
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DSL367B-NIR-F2.1 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.98mm EFL, 4.2mm image circle, 210° FOV, F/2.1. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. NO IR Cut filter. 0.98 2.1 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL367B-650-F2.1 Superfisheye, hybrid, for 1/4" sensors, HDR, 0.98mm EFL, 4.2mm image circle, 210° FOV, F/2.1. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut filter at 650nm. 0.98 2.1 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL198A-NIR-F2.0 Superfisheye lens, HDR, 1.03mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, 214deg FOV, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. NO IR Cut Filter. 1.03 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL198A-650-F2.0 Superfisheye lens, HDR, 1.03mm EFL, 4.0mm image circle, 214deg FOV, F/2.0. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cut Filter at 650nm. 1.03 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL218A-670-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL = 1.2mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.2 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL218A-NIR-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens, no IR cut filter, EFL = 1.2mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.2 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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DSL236E-670-F2.0 Wide-angle hybrid lens for OV9715. EFL=1.23, F/2.0; Plastic barrel, aluminum cap; Decentration <1.0; Sealed; HP coating on L1-S1; Laser engraved PN, mark on retaining cap 1.23 2 1/4" Calculate FOV
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DSL181B-650-F2.2 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, with IR cut filter, EFL=1.25mm, F/2.2, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 1.25 2.2 1/3.2" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL181B-NIR-F2.2 Miniature tailored distortion fisheye lens, without IR cut filter, EFL=1.25mm, F/2.2, M12x0.5 slipfit, metal barrel. Compatible with CMT168. 1.25 2.2 1/3.2" Calculate FOV
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CMT168-1122F $69
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DSL181C-650-F2.2 Superfisheye lens, Tailored Distortion, HDR, EFL=1.25mm, 190deg HFOV, F/2.2, 4.8mm image circle. Aluminum barrel threaded M12x0.5. IR Cutoff Filter at 650nm. 1.25 2.2 1/3.2" Calculate FOV
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DSL216A-670-F2.0 Miniature super fisheye lens with IR cut coating, EFL = 1.3mm, F/2.0, M12x0.5, metal barrel ***C-mount adapter available! CMT1205-C***. Distortion dewarping software available. 1.26 2 various Calculate FOV
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CMT821, CMT002 $99
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