Right-angle mirrors are made from right-angle prisms by applying an enhanced
AL coating on the hypotenuse of the prism. This allows the prism to be used as
either an external or internal reflector with a wide range of reflection angle.

General Specifications:
Parameter |
Value |
Material |
BK7 |
Effective aperture |
90% |
Dimensional tolerance |
+/-0.10mm |
Surface flatness |
l/8 |
Angle tolerance |
+/- 30 arc sec |
Surface quality |
20-10 |
Perpendicularity |
+/-1 arc min |
Protective chamfer |
45 deg |
Coating |
Aluminized |
PN: |
Description: |
Right-angle prism mirror, precision grade, 50
A: |
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Volume Price: |
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